Our friends Ryan and Rachel are expecting their first baby coming this fall, and we are so excited to help them welcome baby Duncan into the world! Ryan has been close friends with my husband, Shane, for many years (think way back to high school football – Hut! Hut!). And when we met Rachel a few years ago, we loved her in an instant. It’s wonderful to have friends like these two. With busy schedules and (now) growing families, it’s hard to find as much time for Ryan and Shane to get together and play video games ;) But when we do get to spend time together, it’s always a joyful time filled with great conversation and a mutual love for Christ.
About the Session: This pregnancy and gender reveal portrait session was so fun and creative! You see, when your last name is Duncan, how can you not incorporate donuts into your gender reveal?! (“Duncan Donuts” Get it?) When Ryan and Rachel found out that they were having a little girl, they decided to do all things pink. Including a pink-frosted, donut themed portrait session! We made sure to incorporate the sonogram photo and some pink balloons as well, making this session both truly creative and truly classic.
Babies are a special gift from God, so of course we love finding the most amazing ways to celebrate receiving such a gift!
““Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” – James 1:17”
The Duncans are one of the most joyful couples we know, so there’s no doubt that their baby girl will enter this world fully loved and truly celebrated. Ryan and Rachel, we are so excited to see you two become parents. And we can’t wait to meet baby Duncan!